This is how your webinar will have impact!

Project Description

It is not for nothing that webinars are increasingly used by companies to reach their prospects. Via an online presentation, you can reach many people at the same time. There are various ways to actively involve participants in your webinar and to contact them afterwards. But how do you move, influence, and convince all those people you don’t see?

Real personal contact, like during a live presentation, is not possible during a webinar. But informal character of it, also makes the threshold for potential customers smaller. They can wait to see which way the wind blows and pull out as soon as they want to. It is an art in knowing how to fascinate the participant until the end, in order for them to become genuinely interested in you as an entrepreneur, and what you have to offer them.

The technical possibilities with regard to giving a webinar are numerous: from behind your own laptop, to live from a studio. Much information about the technical aspects of a webinar can be found online. And depending on your available budget, it is possible to fully take care of this.

However, what is often forgotten: using the right images, voice, and body language. It is not about the information you provide, but about the way you do it, that makes you able to keep the attention of the participants. After all, what applies to a live presentation also applies to a webinar. If you want to touch and motivate the participants of your webinar, it requires the right presentation skills.

Audio webinar

With a webinar consisting of audio in combination with sheets, it is mainly your use of voice that determines whether your message comes across to the audience maximally, and whether you are able to motivate them the way you intended. Be aware of this.

If your voice sounds monotone and you always speak in the same rhythm, your audience will quickly lose interest. In the most favorable case, you lose the audience’s interest for much of the information. In the worst case, the participants leave the webinar early. In both cases, you are the loser.

Therefore, teach yourself to speak lively. Vary in pitches, speak with emotion, take breaks, and speak in a regular, irregular rhythm and communicate visually. Imagine what you are saying, before you say it. Describe it. This way, you will create images on the inner visual screen of your audience and their brain will really remember your story.

The sheets you choose also have a bigger influence than you might think. They can backfire. People create their own inner ideal images when they hear a story. As soon as the images you use do not comply with this ideal image, this will work against you as a disturbance. Do not use pictures to make use of images. Let them have a clear function and mainly ensure things are peaceful.


If you choose a webinar where you are on screen as a presenter, body language and appearance also play an important role. It is also important to play into the camera(s) in an effective way.

During many webinars where the speaker is on screen, he/she is behind a laptop and the participants will continuously look at a face. Here, the speaker is usually also clearly unaware of how he/she comes across and of the potential possibilities that the camera has to offer.

It is not for nothing that presenters on television are not continuously on screen with just their face. I strongly advise against this with regard to webinars. It namely doesn’t make sense to be on screen when you don’t optimally make use of the possibilities. It is better to buy a good web cam and to show more of you. Body language is a part of communication that should not be underestimated. As soon as you support your story with gestures, the messages will come across even better. Obviously, in this case, it is also important to optimally make use of your voice.

Yet, a webinar presentation is different from a live presentation. Support from your hands is a must, but should be more subtle in front of the camera than during a live presentation.

If you want to make a difference, there’s a decent offer of webinar supporting programs. Choose a setup with two cameras or one really good camera, if you can afford it. Unfortunately, you cannot create a beautiful image with a web cam. It is just as important to work with a good microphone.

If you want to make a difference with a webinar, you should operate from a studio with one or more cameras. It will do justice to you and your message. At least, if you take the aforementioned tips to heart and use all presentation skills that lead to success during an ordinary presentation.

Duo presentation

I see them pass regularly: Webinars in which it seems that everything is fully taken care of. They are recorded in a beautiful studio and the expert is assisted by a sidekick, who, for example, does the announcement and periodically asks questions. Nine of the ten times, I also miss the necessary presentation skills in those webinars.

The right use of voice, body language, and facial expression and making and keeping contact with the viewer often seems to be forgotten. In addition, both speakers are often not aware that they are almost always completely on screen. This requires a presentation technique that goes beyond performing well when you are speaking.

Presenting in front of the camera is a profession. It requires more than presenting in a room with people, because you are constantly and effectively (100%) visible to all viewers. You create an intimate atmosphere with each viewer separately. At least, when you go about it the right way. Therefore, if you want to maximize the benefits of a webinar, do not only invest in the right technical aims, but in the development of good a presentation in front of the camera.